Guest Post: A Supernova Surrounded by Ordinary Stars
After reading a touching Facebook post a few weeks ago from an acquaintance I hoped that she would be willing to share some of her parenting journey on my blog. With much gratitude I am happy to publish her thoughtful, sometimes painfully honest, yet beautiful story here. Among the many hats she wears, Staci Mayo is a college instructor, fighter of MS, but most importantly, the mother of a Supernova Daughter.
A couple days ago I posted about my beautiful daughter on my Facebook page. Obviously, it’s not the first time I posted about my daughter on my page. I am the typical mother that annoys all of the Facebook world that does not have kids with my daughter’s picture of the first day of school, art projects, gingerbread houses, and sometimes our wacky selfies that we like to take. That day, I felt like I needed to use my words to express all of the rush of emotions I was feeling at the time. Here’s what I wrote:
Staci and her beautiful daughter.
A couple days ago I posted about my beautiful daughter on my Facebook page. Obviously, it’s not the first time I posted about my daughter on my page. I am the typical mother that annoys all of the Facebook world that does not have kids with my daughter’s picture of the first day of school, art projects, gingerbread houses, and sometimes our wacky selfies that we like to take. That day, I felt like I needed to use my words to express all of the rush of emotions I was feeling at the time. Here’s what I wrote:
Next week, I will find out if my little girl is on the autism spectrum.
This is something that I believe I already know the answer to.
Since she was a baby I knew she was different. She wouldn't sleep in her
crib. For 6 months she would only sleep in her swing or the car. She could be
snoozing in her carrier and would immediately know when we walked into a store
like Walmart. When she was a toddler, other parents would tell their kids not
to play with her because she played too rough.
Every morning before preschool was a fight
because her shoes and socks didn't feel right. Some days I would have to just
throw her over my shoulder while she was having a fit and put her in the car
and hope that she would calm down before we got to the school. We sat in the
breezeway of the preschool with her refusing to put her shoes on so many times.
There were times that I just had to let her throw her fits while everyone
watched and gave me dirty looks.
Sometimes I would sit and cry with her.
Sometimes I would sit and cry with her.
Many people think that it's an issue of bad
parenting. I can assure you that I am not a perfect parent, but no amount of
perfect parenting will prevent an overloaded child from having a meltdown. Now,
my little girl is growing up at those fits are occurring less. The anxiety
shows in different ways. She is now recognizing that kids are cruel and
hurtful. She feels misunderstood on a regular basis whether it's other kids or
As a parent you want to protect your child from
every hurt, but you know that if you protect them you are making it impossible
for them to survive in the world. So next week when I find out the answer I
already knew, I only get confirmation that my daughter is a supernova
surrounded by ordinary stars. She is brilliant, intense, and amazing. If she
manages to find the tools to cope amongst the ordinary stars, then no one will
be able to outshine her.
This post led to a string of reassurances that my daughter would be ok.
I suddenly felt like my daughter often feels, very misunderstood. The posts
made me think that people perceived that I was worried about the diagnosis. The
idea of the diagnosis just makes sense to me. It clicks. It’s like putting in
that last piece of the puzzle. It is comforting, reassuring, and a relief.
That’s not to say I haven’t been worried about her, or even doubted
myself. I can’t even describe the number of times that I have felt completely
hopeless, like a bad parent, like every single step I’m taking is the wrong
step. I know this is probably a normal part of parenting but when your child is
screaming and on the verge of a meltdown and you look around an all you see are the laser like stares of the people walking past you, then it intensifies the
whole moment. When outsiders tell you to, “Shut your kid up!” or even people
that know her well tell you, “You can’t handle your child,” then you doubt
Even though I knew my daughter was different since she was a baby,
professionals told me to “Just wait.” They wanted me to just wait and see if
she grew out of it. It was clear in kindergarten that she hadn’t grown out of
it. At that point she ended up with the diagnosis of ADHD, Oppositional Defiant
Disorder, and Sensory Processing Disorder. Those diagnoses reminded me that
while everyday can be a challenge, that we are doing the best we can. The
diagnoses gave us the ability to find and use tools and techniques that make
our lives much easier.
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