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Drum Roll Please... My 2016 New Year's Resolutions Are...

I recently wrote an article with a few tips to aid in realistically choosing and narrowing down New Year's Resolutions. Of course since running and parenting are my layperson expertise areas, my personal goals tend to center around those two subjects. This year is no different.

But before I get to my new goals for 2016, I'd like to revisit my New Year's Resolutions from last year. This is always a little scary, but I am a big believer in accountability through unfiltered publication on the World Wide Web... so here we go!

For more in depth discussion of my 2015 goals throughout this past year you can click here, herehere, or here but below is a recap of how my goals from this last year went:
1. Run at least 15 miles per week. Check! Overall, I averaged about 17.0 miles per week this year, which is great considering that I had a few  significant injuries. I had a stress fracture last February and shoulder surgery this past December; so all in all, I am content to mark this one as accomplished. 
2. Complete the I 35 Challenge. Check! I did this! If you missed it, read about it here.
3. Eat lower carbohydrate until at least spring break, hopefully making this change a life choice. Well, I made it past spring break, through the summer, but then when training got serious in the fall I had to add more carbohydrates in. Admittingly, this is something I have struggled with these last few months. But the goal was through spring break, so I technically accomplished it. Life change... still working on that one. But I have to admit, eating low carb is hard when you are training for a race. As a runner this was a hard goal to accomplish- I simply need more carbs now.
4. Less mindless, time draining, useless playing on my phone. We started No Cell Phone Sunday in our house this year and it has been a huge success with getting the kids off of their devices more! I personally am better too, but I have a ways to go. This one will make the list again in 2016. I guess I'm technically on a two year plan...
5. Pray more. Yes I did pray more, but not as much as I was hoping for. I guess I am still working on this one, but I did go to confession this year for the first time in... (too long to admit out loud to you unless you are my priest)... a long time. So that is a step in the right direction I suppose! 
Overall, I am happy with the outcome of these goals, ready to close the chapter on them, and excited start a new chapter for 2016.

After much contemplation, I have decided on four goals (in no particular order):

1. Update my original, family blog more regularly. Since starting MamaGottaRun my family blog, which serves as my online scrapbook, has been set aside. I plan to revive this blog, if only for an online scrapbook to hold memories for my family.

2. I will run 1000 miles. I would love for that to include two marathons (maybe in one month??) but I need to see how my physical health is going before I include that last part. Two injuries in 2015 meant two months off from running and it really impacted my training. I don't know, that might be too crazy. I'll leave the goal at running 1000 miles, and then if two full marathons in one year happens that would be icing on the cake. I signed up for a free challenge at this link if you are interested in checking it out.

3. Take overall care of myself. Eat cleaner (including keeping a food journal ALL YEAR!), drink less soda, sleep more, spend more time with my husband, do things I want to do... just take care of me. As a mom I often let my needs slide and I don't want to do that anymore. I need to be at my best for me in order to be at my best for by kids and husband.

4. Once again, play on my phone less! Good grief I am addicted. I have a goal of not playing on HitItRich from January 1 until after Lent. I did it last year and I'm going to try again. 

And that's it! I will update you periodically on my progress. What are your goals? I'd love to know! Comment at the bottom of this post. I'm interested to read what you are going to accomplish this year!
