Starts 8/31 ends 9/7

Guest Post: Poop and Snot (among other things!)

What a treat I have for you today! Another great post from Team 2015 Miles in 2015 Member, Brandi Jones. She discusses her last month of running, supporting other runners, an injury, and some overall good advice for the not-so-glamorous side of running. 
Read below for Brandi's article:
Hello!! It’s September! Current mileage 493.49/672 – 64.97miles for August. Still “free” of registrations!
 My August started out GREAT and ended a little rough! My hometown celebrated their annual Fun Day’s and this year it combined with the Jon Tumilson Go Crush It Challenge. This run was held by the  3 Minutes Out organization. It is another race I would have participated in but instead I was up at 5am,  got 6 miles in, showered, grabbed my cow bell, and headed out to cheer the runners on. The run was held at The Fossil and Prairie Park.
My cheering point view.
 Where I stood was the end of 3 major uphill’s. Keep in mind about half of this race is on loose rock. It is a very challenging course, I heard next year they may add an 8.6 mile as that’s the date when the helicopter was shot down.
First runner from beginning to end (fellow friend I went to elementary school with). Finished with a time of 21:17!! AMAZINGLY FAST!!
Since this was in my hometown I knew a lot of people running/walking but a couple of people stuck out. These brothers have been inspiring me and many others. They each started their fitness journey a few years back and most recently have been logging their miles for Olivia. Olivia was their niece that suffered from CDH (Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia). Even though she was only here for a short time she touched so many people. They have a Facebook page set up for her under Olivia’s CDH Journey. Keep kicking A** boys!
Great job guys!
I have to say lately I have been amazed by others. Every person is fighting their own battles whether it be physically or mentally. Your attitude and views can make changes for not only yourself but others. Stop defending yourself and making excuses. Push yourself to that next level, the feeling of accomplishing what you didn’t think you could – Is priceless! Turn the bad in to a good. Negative into a positive. 

My August didn’t end the greatest. Two weeks left in the month and I started to get right knee pain. I think I was too ambitious on the box jumps in morning class. J I ended up walking for a little over a week, icing constantly, and strengthening it up by exercising on my house steps. My first run back wasn’t bad. I read an article saying to shorten your stride and focus on using your glutes/hips more. This definitely helped but down hills were still a little sketchy. I have found over the years that it’s best to rest and recover then push through. It could be the difference between a week/month long break to a lifetime of pain. Take care of your body and your body will thank you!
Treat your body like the most amazing machine ever designed!

Warning….the next paragraph is graphic! J
 On a more un-talked about note... It seems like lately I’ve had a lot of discussion with our running group about poop, snot and sweat. Yep, you heard me right! These are some of the many not-so-glamorous things about running.  Have you ever had the “oh crap” experience.  The all of a sudden “where’s the closest bathroom!" For some reason it’s the easiest to talk about with a fellow runner but  I wouldn’t bring up with anyone else. Understanding of your bowels is something that is a must when running. What you eat pre-race, post-race and in training can make a world of difference. I read an article stating one of the major issues is the lack of blood flow to your intestines when running. Food and water intake are the second leading culprits. Eat good – Feel good! With the high summer humidity staying hydrated is a must. 
Next, the snot. I think someone needs to invent a Kleenex dispensing belt, but then again it’s another apparatus to strap to yourself. Till then my sleeve it is! Last but not least, the sweaty mess. You sweat from places you won’t think would sweat! You simply tell me that we are going for a run or exercise and I automatically start sweating. I’m a person who sweats profusely. Have you ever finished a run and your face was powdery white? Yep, that’s the salt draining from your pours. At first I never really thought twice about it. After my long runs lately I’ve been drinking Propel Water with Electrolytes. I’m amazed at how fast my body starts recovering. So to all runners looking for a bathroom with snotty sleeves and white faces, I’m here with you!
