Starts 8/31 ends 9/7

August 2015 Miles in 2015

Hard to believe that August has come and gone. Team 2015 Miles in 2015 is still going strong, and all 3 of us reached or exceeded our goals again this month. We are on track to blow our 2015 miles goal out of the water if we continue at this rate!

I am training for two October half marathons so I am racking more miles than I had set as my goal, but I knew that would happen. I reached about 110 miles in August. I was hoping to get 120 miles in in August, but I have had some nasty toe issues (click here is you want to read more about that) that have put out a few of my long runs from my training plan. My toe is feeling a little better this week so I am hoping to get caught up in the next few weeks and that should get my miles back up to where I'd like to see them.

Brandi is once again a rock of consistency, getting almost 65 miles in. She has been battling her own injury, as she hurt her knee doing a class in August and is struggling to get it back on track a little. It sounds like her "registration free" year is getting harder and harder to complete with the temptation of some really special races in her area lately. I will let her tell you more about that in a blog post she wrote that I will publish for you all to enjoy next week.

Kate is doing great! I am so proud of her. She once again met her goal and reached just over 60 miles in August. She is definitely on track and with this cooler fall weather approaching, I have no doubt she'll he able to get outside and get those miles in for the year. I am hoping she will write another post for us in a month or two to update you on her journey this year... (hear that Kate?!). Her last post is one of the most popular posts on my blog... EVER! (see the column on the right?!?!)

Well that's our team. Going strong, battling a few injuries as athletes are bound to do, but focused on our goals. I look forward to sharing with you all our accomplishments when September ceases. 

Now get outside and get some miles in! Let us INSPIRE you. You have to start somewhere, and although it isn't easy, you CAN do it. Three years ago if you had asked me to run one mile I would have laughed in your face and told you you were crazy. 

If you haven't already, you should consider creating a team and starting your own plans to walk or run 2016 miles in 2016. Ask me if you have any questions on how to get started! I have been thinking about managing some more teams in 2016 if there is an interest. Send me an email if you are interested at and I will see what I can do to help you get team put together.
