Starts 8/31 ends 9/7

What I Am Not Going to Miss About This Summer

10. Bee stings, ants, spiders and bug bites. A humid, rainy start to summer has definitely helped encourage the insect population of Kansas. Unfortunately my 4-year-old has had the brunt of the stings and bites in our family, poor little fella.
9. Arguing with my kids about getting off their iPads, iPhones and iPods. Seriously. Clash Royale, PokemonGO, Minecraft, various YouTube channels... My kids need some serious changes for the fall when it comes to the use of their tablets and technology. Especially my 8-year-old son. I don't know how I am going to handle him getting older and wanting to use these devices even more.
8. Planning so many meals and buying so many groceries! Holy moly my kids can eat BUT they are somehow so picky too! I am ready for those daily arguments to be over.
7. Watering the lawn and garden, and cooling the house. I cringe when I open up our utilities bills.
6. Running in excessive heat and humidity. It just sucks. And is not easy to do.
5. "I don't know who did it." "I don't like you." "You are the worst mommy in the world." "I'm telling grandma Sue on you!" "You don't love me." Come on guys, change it up a little. I realize you have a limited vocabulary but your go-to lines barely impact me anymore. Spice up the arguments and you might actually get that reaction from me that you so yearn for.
4. "I'm bored." My 6-year-old is the worst. Although they all three say it every day, she says it, hmmm... maybe 20 times a day? Very little exaggeration here. She could have just finished up an assembly line of snacks, movies, crafts, homework, outdoor activities and then the very second she realizes that her body or mind isn't doing soemthing, she whines... "I'm bored." I would give up my iPhone for the rest of my life to never hear that phrase again. I really would.
3. Feeling like I can't get anything done. Between teaching three online classes this summer, staying home with the kids all day and trying to keep them busy, attempting to keep our house tidy, clean and laundry free, planning and making meals, I am just tuckered out. I feel like I never, ever have time to do anything for me. I am not sure if fall will be any better, but I am hopeful that once I get back to working on campus and the kids are back in school we will establish a more solid routine.
2. The fighting!
1. I'll say that again. The fighting! These three demons children constantly argue about the dumbest things. Well, in their defense, it usually isn't dumb to them, it's actually important. However, to me it all seems so redundant, tedious, unproductive and annoying. So. Ready. For. School. To. Start. I think they are just really, really sick of playing with each other.

Just a normal drive home after running a few errands.


  1. This is so great! We can ALL relate to summertime moments like these! A silver lining, the fact my children have an abundance of friends on our street to help with those "I'm bored" moments or when sibling fighting is making momma crazy! I tell them to "go outside and play with your friends!" Thankful for my village;)

    1. Oh yes! Thanks for the comment. It sure does take a village, and we sure do have a wonderful one. Our kids are so very lucky to have each other and such supporting moms in our neighborhood. :)

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  3. I love that picture! I could have taken a similar one of Ellie the other day! ��

  4. my four year old is a magnet for things that sting too!!!! And I totally feel for you, we are running at 4:15 am in Wamego KS and it is still horrible! Yesterday it was 65 but 100% humidity! Come on KS, give us a break!


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