Starts 8/31 ends 9/7

Whole30 Week One: So far so good!

Smoothies are a yummy treat this week.

Well I survived week one and somehow my husband did too. Only 23 days left and so far so good. So how has it been going?

The first few days were difficult. I am not going to lie. Even though I had meals and snacks planned out, during the first few days I still ravishingly craved all of the things I wasn't supposed to eat. I felt like all I could think of was the food that I had to cut out. It helped that my husband and I had each other to complain to, but it did not help that our kids were/are still eating less nutritional food for meals. I continue to offer them everything I make that is whole 30 compliant, and sometimes they eat it, but they still eat many of the foods they always have. I am requiring fruit or boiled eggs (I still let them have cheese sticks) for snacks now though, rather than cookies, chips and other less healthy options from before.

Grilled turkey and sweet potato fries.

Roasted chicken and vegetables.

Pot roasted beef and chicken and veges.

Since the first few days things are better. I did have a few headaches over the first 3 days and lower energy but I am also battling walking pneumonia and bronchitis at the moment so I can't really distinguish the two issues as far as symptoms.

My saving grace.

There are a few items that are Whole30 compliant that you can buy. I am still learning to like the taste of LaCroix drinks but it sure is nice to grab a can of something and crack it open. Larabars have saved my husband while he has been at work, and we have loved all the flavors of the Tessamae's condiments we have tried so far. The bbq sauce, ketchup, Southwest Ranch, and Balsamic Vinaigrette have been my favorites so far, but all are helpful when cooking and eating to add healthy, natural flavors.

Soy-free, broth free tuna and a homemade trail mix of almonds, 
pumpkin seeds and raisins. I usually add a dried fruit too.

Lunch and snacks for the day.

Here's what I've learned:
  • Lemon juice is amazing splashed in water.
  • Almost everything out there has soy or sugar in it! Read your labels people. I cannot believe how hard it is to find natural, pure foods (beyond most meats and produce) at the store. It is really, really scary to see all the additives in our foods. You can hardly find Tuna without soy or bacon or dried fruits without sugar added.
  • By day 6-7, I had no cravings for bad food.
  • It might be just my healing process, but this week my shoulder has felt so much better. I had surgery to remove some of the chronically inflamed material from my joint in December and this is the first week my shoulder has very little pain from inflammation. It is really, really incredible. Inflammation is something this diet is supposed to help reduce naturally.
  • Although you are not supposed to stand on a scale during Whole30, I have had to for doctor's appointments and I have lost 4 pounds. And I eat all the time folks!
  • It feels soooo good to make real meals for my family again. I was so sick of tacos, spaghetti and take-out pizza that it almost made me depressed to go grocery shopping each week. It is fun to plan the compliant meals I will make each day. We have had chicken breasts, salmon, talapia, roast beef, steaks, turkey burgers... It has been delicious.
  • You don't have to go to special stores. Other than ordering condiments online, I have not shopped anywhere but the two local, regular grocery stores nearest to my home and Target. You can even eat at Chipoltle, my husband did for lunch today.
And that's it so far. I will keep you updated each week. I would love your feedback if you have any. Comment below!
