Starts 8/31 ends 9/7

June 2015 Miles in 2015 Update

It is that time again. Another month of the 2015 Miles in 2015 Challenge has passed and it is time for an update. This wasn't our worst month, but it wasn't our best either.

Brandi and I reached our goal but just by a hair. In fact, both of us logged in some miles just a few hours before the midnight deadline in order to reach our goals of 60 miles each in June. I'm okay with only reaching my goal this month, but I do need to step it up in order to make up for my February month when most of my time was spent on a stationary bike recovering from a stress fracture. No excuses, but it is time to log some serious miles. I am shooting for 20 miles per week this month, hoping to exceed my goal by 20 miles total, but we'll see.

Brandi had a little feedback this month too:
"As the summer is heating up in northern Iowa I have transitioned to a morning run schedule. Yes, some days it is terribly hard to wake up at 4:30 am, but I’m so thankful to get it done for the day. My June streak of running the whole month ended with pulling in my right arch. I’ve noticed when I run I keep my big toe lifted up. I think this caused my arch pain which led to walking for a week. One neat accomplishment was I ran/walked on all even days in June. Just something new to keep things exciting and interesting. I seemed to get bored doing the same thing day in and day out. I like setting different challenges for myself as weird as some may sound. Only downfall was I missed my morning fitness class ladies."

Kate really struggled to attempt her goal this month, but in all fairness, she did get married last weekend so has been incredibly busy with that. She did tell me that she is going to alter her goals to about 75 miles per month in order to make up her last few months of cutting her goals short. Brandi and I really need her in order to reach our 2015 miles goal this year so I am certain she will get back on track this July now that she isn't spending her free time planning her wedding. I am excited to see what she accomplishes this month!

The beautiful bride and I at her wedding.

We are now officially half way through the year, but collectively are not halfway through our miles. With accountability, encouragement, and hard work Team 2015 Miles in 2015 will get back in the race (literally!).
