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Are You Still on Track With Your #2015 #NewYearsResolutions?

The Year 2015 is nearly 1/3 over and it has been a few months since I reviewed my New Year's Resolutions. I haven't forgotten them though, and although I haven't posted about them in awhile, I am still working hard to accomplish them.

Resolution 1: Run 15 miles per week
Barring my weeks of in January and February due to injury, which I don't count, I have still ran an average of, or over, 15 miles per week. I always set that as my weekly goal and know by the last few days of the week how may miles I need to run to reach it (like tomorrow I need run at least 3). Right now when I am not training for anything particular it is nice to have this resolution, as well as my 2015 Miles in 2015 team challenge, to keep me active and accountable.

Resolution 2. Run the I-35 Challenge
I have registered for the Kansas City Half on October 18th, and the Des Moines Half on October 19th. I have registered separately to be part of the I-35 Challege, which basically means that if I am able to finish both races that weekend, I will get an additional bib, shirt and medal. During my 5 mile run this morning I started thinking about what my training plan for this will be like starting later this summer. If anyone out there has heard of a "2 halfs in one weekend" training plan, please feel free to pass it along.

Resolution 3. Less mindless, time draining, useless playing on my phone.
Like I had planned, I didn't play Hit it Rich from December 31, 2014 until Easter (until after Lent). For a few weeks after Easter, I played some, and found myself once again spending too much time on the app on my phone. I deleted this app from my phone, as well as my other 2 casino apps. I do still play on Facebook occasionally through my PC, but since I am only on my actual computer for work or blogging, I really am not playing much at all. I have definitely done a good job of focusing on this one the last several months.

Resolution 4. Pray more.
I am still working hard on this resolution. I want to make this a focus the next few months and continue to develop and cherish my relationship with God. 

An old friend gave me this when I graduated from high school, and it still sits on my office desk so that I can read it every day. Jen Schmitt, did you know I still have, and display this? A small gift that sure has helped me throughout the years. Thank you.

How are your resolutions coming along? I'd love to hear! Please comment below.
