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2015 Miles in 2015: March Summary

A recent amazing morning run view from 
the trails in my neighborhood.

Sheeeee's baaaack....!!!

I am healed! I can proudly say that I am running pain free, and motivated to start working on my running goals for 2015. It has been a long 10 weeks since my stress fracture, but I am coming back stronger than ever. From wearing an air cast and taking 5 weeks off from running, to starting to slowly run again, to still having pain, to taking another week off from running, to... NOW! This last week or so I have ran 6 miles 3 times, 5 miles once, and speed walked 5 1/2 miles and I am finally, finally, pain free.

I know recovery is a long road so I am trying not to push myself too hard, but just being able to run again and not feel pain in my tibia, is truly amazing. 

During March, even with taking one week off over spring break to give my leg a little longer of a rest, I was still able to reach my March 2015 Miles team goal. I completed a total of 64.33 miles, even more than my goal of 60 miles this month. I am very proud of each and every one of those miles.

Now, I am continuing to build endurance for my the Garmin half marathon on April 18th, and trying to get some longer runs in without pushing my leg too much. I am more tired than I was while running prior to my injury, but I am good at pushing through that. Injury though is impossible to push through and I am constantly reminding myself of that fact. It is so difficult some days to make sure I have one day of rest between runs; all I can think about right now is being ready for that race in 3 weeks. I need to get an 8 miler in this week, and a 10 miler in next week in order to feel mentally ready. I also need to make sure that most of my runs from here on out are 5-7 miles to keep building my lungs up. 

Fingers crossed I have enough time to get ready and be able to run the whole 13.1... I will keep you posted. 

In meantime, look at how awesome Brandi, Kate and I are doing! In case you missed their March articles, both Brandi and Kate have been writing about their experience with our 2015 Miles in 2015 challenge too.

The 2015 Miles Team accomplishments so far... 1/4 of the way done!
